The Registry of Certificates is a function of our online system TESSA and is available to participants of the Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) and Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) and the public. It can be viewed by anyone at, but only registered users can transfer and surrender certificates and only Accredited Certificate Providers (ACPs) can register certificates.

The functions of the Registry of Certificates include:

  • listing details of Accredited Certificate Providers and their accreditations
  • facilitating the registration and transfer of energy savings certificates (ESCs) and peak reduction certificates (PRCs)
  • recording information about the certificate including the entity that registered it, the activity, vintage, creation date, certificate status and ownership of both ESCs and PRCs
  • allowing Scheme Participants to surrender ESCs and PRCs to meet mandatory obligations
  • allowing other people or organisations to voluntarily surrender certificates (such as for company-specific offset schemes).

See Registering an account for information about how to register an account in TESSA.

If you have any technical issues with the Registry you can raise a case through My Technical Support in TESSA at any time or contact us.

More information is available on the Registering certificates, Transferring certificates, Surrendering certificates and Trading certificates pages.