A Scheme Participant’s individual liable acquisitions are used to calculate individual liable demand.
Liable acquisitions are calculated in megawatt hours based on the electricity used in the peak reduction period on each of the 4 peak days nominated by IPART. They are calculated by adding up your liable electricity acquisitions then subtracting any exempt loads.
Liable acquisitions are made up of:
- market acquisitions (acquisitions from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and
- non-market (acquisitions from sources other than AEMO).

Information on how to calculate your individual liable demand based on your liable acquisitions is described on our Individual liable demand page.
The next sections provide more information on:
- liable acquisitions
- exempt loads.
Liable acquisitions
A liable acquisition is defined as any of the following:
- electricity purchased for consumption by or onsale to consumers in NSW, or use in NSW, or
- supply of electricity generated by you where:
- you are a retailer and the electricity is supplied for use in NSW, or consumption by or onsale to consumers in NSW, or
- you are a direct supplier of electricity and the supply is specified by the regulations to be a liable acquisition (sch 4A cl 90).
Electricity you purchase from another Scheme Participant is not a liable acquisition for you if the purchase or supply of the electricity is treated as a liable acquisition for the Scheme Participant who sells it to you.
You may be able to deduct exempt loads from the total value of your liable acquisitions.
Exempt loads
The Minister may grant a full or partial exemption from the PDRS for electricity loads used for:
- some emissions intensive and trade exposed energy activities or
- producing green hydrogen (sch 4A cl 93).
You can deduct the value of electricity purchases that are exempt loads from the total value of your liable acquisitions. For partial exemptions, the exempt proportion can be deducted from your liable acquisitions (sch 4A cl 94).
Information about exemptions including Ministerial Orders will be published on our website and updated annually (more details about Ministerial Orders are available on the Legislation page).