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We’ve changed the ‘Activity’ field on the certificate batches in the ESC Registry so that the calculation method from the source implementation data displays instead of the fuel related activity (efficiency/generation/switching).
This means you will now be able to produce more meaningful reports on certificate batches based on these calculation methods.

For ACPs, this also means:
you can only have 1 calculation method on all the rows of your implementation data in your csv upload file when registering certificates
if your Accreditation contains more than 1 calculation method, then you can upload implementation data for the other calculation method(s) in a separate csv file.
What we’re doing
We have released a new version of the CSV template for uploading implementation data to TESSA from 14 April 2023. The new version replaces the previous version and reflects the Energy Savings Scheme Rule change that commenced on 14 April 2023. Please refer to the new CSV Specification Guide.
What you should do
- use the new template to complete your upload from 14 April
- if you use other systems to record your implementation data, we recommend you refer to the new CSV template version and modify your systems to reflect the latest changes
Why we’re doing this
In the updated ESS Rule the regional network factor has been moved into Equation 1. Electricity Savings data uploaded to TESSA to create certificates after 14 April should not include the regional network factor.
TESSA will apply the regional network factor and certificate conversion factor to the Electricity Savings value uploaded in the csv file to calculate your certificates. See the ESS Rule page for more information.
Other changes to the CSV template
The updated ESS Rule also introduces new fuel types and implementation data requirements. The new CSV file template includes:
- 5 new energy savings fields: (Diesel Savings, Biofuel Savings, Biogas, Biomass and On-site Renewable Savings). Complete these fields if you have energy savings from one or more of the new fuel types
- Replacing the ‘Estimated % of Electricity Savings from switching to Gas from Electricity’ and ‘Estimated % of Gas Savings from Switching to Electricity from Gas’ fields with a text field called ‘Estimated % of each of these savings attributed to fuel switching’.
This new field is used where 2 or more energy savings values have been populated, for example where a project switches from gas to biogas.

We have updated our ESS Examples template to include these new fields. You will need to copy the latest template and use this new template format from 14 April 2023
The gas certificate conversion factor used to calculate energy savings certificates (ESCs) under the Energy Savings Scheme was changed from 0.39 to 0.47 by amendments to the Electricity Supply (General) Regulation 2014.
We’ve made some enhancements to TESSA so that it is easier to find relevant information. This includes:
- showing notional certificate information with implementation data
- providing an account name for auditors to view in My Cases and My Tasks
- displaying the most relevant information for circumstance under My Products.
See below for more details.
Implementation data now includes a new field called ‘Notional Certificates’. This shows the ‘unbatched’ calculation of certificates for that individual implementation (to 2 decimal places). This will save ACPs having to calculate this number for each implementation and provide it to auditors separately. Auditors can now export it directly.

My Cases and ‘My tasks’ now includes an “Account” field. This is primarily to help Auditors locate their cases in relation to the ACP they are supporting. The below screenshot is for the My cases page. The My tasks page is very similar.

We’ve improved the look and feel of the ‘My Products’ widget in TESSA so that the more commonly used information is closer to the left.