A certificate revival is required when a certificate has been forfeited or surrendered to us in error. If an error is identified, we can revive these certificates and return them to your organisation.

Both Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs) and Peak Reduction Certificates (PRCs) can be revived. ESCs do not expire and can be traded or surrendered once revived. Unlike ESCs, PRCs can expire. If a revival is required, we will first revive PRCs that have the most life left and will only revive expired certificates if needed. If we revive an expired PRC, its life will automatically be extended by 12 months.

When is a certificate revival needed?

A certificate revival is required when:

  • a certificate has been voluntarily surrendered in error
  • a certificate has been forfeited in error, or
  • a Scheme Participant has incorrectly surrendered certificates as part of the liability process.

You are not required to take any action. We will notify you of the outcome of the certificate revival in TESSA. If the certificate revival is approved, you will be able to view these certificates in your updated certificate holdings.