This short video explains how to complete the correspondence form.
If you have issues logging into TESSA, please complete the Enquiry form. You can also access this form from the TESSA homepage. The short video below explains how to complete the correspondence form.
If you are an existing user and have a technical issue with TESSA, please raise a ticket by clicking on the ‘My Technical Support Issues’ section located in the top right corner of your TESSA landing page.
Support is available during business hours, Monday to Friday, but you can log an issue with us at any time through the methods above.
TESSA also contains Knowledge Articles. You can access these articles in the top ribbon on your TESSA landing page. We have published tips and tricks to help you get the most out of TESSA.
You can also access the learning modules on the TESSA pages for ACPs, Scheme Participants, Auditors and other users.
If your question relates to scheme policy or legislation please contact the Office of Energy and Climate Change.
If you have a question about the schemes that is not related to TESSA technical issues, please raise a question on the Enquiry form (you can also access this form from the TESSA homepage). The appropriate ESS team will respond to your question.