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About ESS
Working with others
As an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP), you may work with others to implement energy savings activities, including:Householders and businessesInstallers, co
Registering certificates
Before you register certificatesYou should only register certificates if you are satisfied that the certificates would be properly created and would comply with
Lighting - product acceptance
Lighting applications are made on our online system, TESSA.When applying on TESSA, you must submit several documents and categorise them appropriately.
Other products - product acceptance
Other product applications (including chimney dampers) are made on our online system, TESSA.For acceptance of other products, raise a correspondence case in TES
RFS Participant obligations deferred until 2026
Key date changes have been made to the Renewable Fuel Scheme (RFS) due to expected legislative amendments being considered by the NSW Government later this year
30 June deadline to create ESCs
To create an ESC from energy savings that occurred during a calendar year, you need to apply for registration by 30 June of the following year (refer to your me
Auditing Scheme Participants
We use independent audits to verify the inputs to a Scheme Participant's Declaration of Liable Acuisitions.We are aligning reporting dates for the ESS and
Operating as an ACP in the PDRS
If you become an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP) under the PDRS, you are eligible to create Peak Reduction Certificates (PRCs) from eligible activities.
Nomination as the Capacity Holder
To be able to create Peak Reduction Certificates (PRCs) from an activity, an Accredited Certificate Provider (ACP) must be the person with the right to the peak
Preparing the application
To prepare your application you need to develop or update your business systems and documentation, and compete the two-part application form.Completing an appli