Product type by method - acceptance

There are some products that the Scheme Administrator must first accept before use in activities under the Safeguard. These are specific to each calculation method. See the table below for more detail.

Product type Scheme Method Activity Definitions
Water heaters ESS Home Energy Efficiency (HEER) D17, D18, D19, D20 and D21
Installation of High Efficiency Appliances for Businesses (IHEAB) F16 and F17
PDRS Reducing Demand Using Efficiency (RDUE)

WH1, see Notice 02/2024 - Information - PDRS Product Acceptance for Activity Definition WH1

Note: Activity Definition WH1 is suspended from 19 December 2024 until further notice.

Lighting ESS Commercial Lighting Energy Savings Formula (Commercial Lighting)  
HEER E1, E2, E3, E5, E11 and E13
Project Impact Assessment with Measurement and Verification (PIAM&V)  
Metered Baseline Methods (MBM)  
Chimney dampers ESS HEER E9