The scheme certificate target is the total number of Peak Reduction Certificates (PRCs) required to be surrendered in a Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) compliance period. It is used by Scheme Participants to calculate their individual certificate target.
The scheme certificate target for the 2023–24 compliance year is 7,904,563 PRCs.
The scheme certificate target for the 2024–25 compliance year is 24,125,386 PRCs.
Calculating the scheme certificate target
The scheme certificate target is calculated from the forecast peak demand, the peak demand reduction target for the compliance period, and the number of hours within the peak demand reduction period in one day, as follows:

Forecast peak demand is determined using the summer 10% probability of exceedance (POE) maximum operational demand forecast, central scenario, as specified in a statement of opportunities published by the Australian Energy Market Operator. The forecast peak demand is adjusted to remove the Australian Capital Territory’s demand (4.7% of NSW forecast demand), according to clause 86 of the Act and the PDRS Compliance Rule.
2023–24 scheme certificate target
Using the formula above and the following 2023–24 compliance period data:
- forecast peak demand of 13,174.272 megawatts
- peak demand reduction target of 1.0%
- peak demand reduction period of 6 hours (2:30 to 8:30 pm)
the 2023–24 scheme certificate target is calculated as:
13,174.272 × 1.0% × 10,000 × 6 = 7,904,563 PRCs
2024–25 scheme certificate target
Using the formula above and the following 2024–25 compliance period data:
- forecast peak demand of 13,402.992 megawatts
- peak demand reduction target of 3.0%
- peak demand reduction period of 6 hours (2:30 to 8:30 pm)
the 2024–25 scheme certificate target is calculated as: