The Peak Demand Reduction Scheme (PDRS) works by creating a market for Peak Reduction Certificates (PRCs) by requiring Scheme Participants (mainly electricity retailers) to surrender a certain number of PRCs each year.

Accredited Certificate Providers (ACPs) create PRCs by working with businesses and households to implement activities like installing more efficient appliances or a household battery that can reduce electricity demand during peak times.

This means ACPs can offer a discount to households and businesses on eligible activities in return for being assigned the right to the peak demand reduction generated by the activity. For more information on eligible activities, go to the Calculation methods page.


This image presents the roles in the PDRS played by households and businesses, Accredited Certificate Providers and Scheme Participants described in the paragraphs above



IPART is responsible for administering the PDRS and regulating participating businesses.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is responsible for developing and maintaining the legislation governing the scheme.

Auditors also play a role, by monitoring compliance by ACPs and Scheme Participants. Visit the IPART’s role, DCCEEW’s role and How to get involved pages for more information.