The Energy Saver is defined in each calculation method. This may be one of the following:
The purchaser of the upgrade or equipment (most methods)
The person contractually liable to pay for the energy consumption at the site where the energy saving activity occurs (Metered Baseline Method)
The person on the NABERS Rating Certificate (NABERS Method)
The appliances retailer (Sale of New Appliances)
The person contracted to remove the equipment (Removal of Old Appliances).
See the method guides for each Calculation Method for more information.
The Energy Saver may nominate an Accredited Certificate Provider to be the Energy Saver for the purposes of creating energy savings certificates. The nomination must be made in a form and manner approved by the Scheme Administrator and there are nomination forms available for each method from the ‘method’ pages of the ESS website.
Please note that a nomination cannot be made more than once for the same energy savings and it needs to be made after an Accredited Certificate Provider is successfully accredited, but before the implementation takes place.
The agreement made between the Energy Saver and their nominee is outside of IPART’s role in the ESS. However, it is required that the Energy Saver is aware of the ESS and does not provide any false or misleading information when signing the nomination form.