About these methods

The Metered Baseline Methods (MBM) compare energy consumption before and after an energy savings project is implemented. In these methods, the term ‘energy’ may refer to electricity, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gas, diesel, biofuel, biogas, biomass, on-site renewables or a combination of two or more of these.

Several different methods can be used to calculate energy savings under the MBM:

  • Baseline per unit of output - used when consumption is strongly linked to output (e.g. aluminium smelting)
  • Baseline unaffected by output - used where consumption is not linked to output (e.g. hotels, schools and swimming pools)
  • Normalised baseline - used where explainable variation needs to be accounted for in the baseline (e.g. weather dependent HVAC and refrigeration)
  • NABERS baseline - used for commercial buildings (see the separate NABERS Baseline page for more information)
  • Aggregated metered baseline - uses statistical methods to calculate energy savings (see separate Aggregated Metered Baseline for more information).

Relevant documentation

MBM - Method Guide
Template - Nomination form